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以降、ベリークイーン・ジャパン主要パフォーマーとしてレストラン、大使館、ホールなど各種イベントに精力的に出演。通訳、翻訳者としても活躍。老舗ライブバンドLight Rainと共演を果たし現地で好評を博す等、国際的に鍛錬を続ける。





​2023年1月に日本からアメリカ合衆国へ拠点を移し、Trouope Oasisのメンバーとしても活動を開始。


2007年から2010年まで Mishaalに師事。

2011年から2018年までSadia Camilleに師事。

2017年 6月米国California州にてMa*shuqa主催Diva Dancer Intensive Retreatを修了。

2017年から2020年まで、OzmaにTurkish Oriental およびTurkish Romaのダンスを師事。

2020年より男性ダンサーの草分け、Tarik Sultanに師事し、エジプシャンスタイルについても研究。

2024年より トルコ拠点のAthena NajatよりTurkish Orientalおよび関連するダンス文化を学ぶ。

Nisreen is one of few dancers these days versed in the rich traditions of Classic Belly Dance- especially American Cabaret Style.


In 2007, Nisreen began dancing in Tokyo when she was a teenager and studied under Mishaal for 3 years. After 4 years of regular study, Nisreen was invited to perform in her first professional show.

Nisreen also has translated multiple English articles about Belly Dance into Japanese. She is fluent in Japanese, English, and speaks Spanish.


She has many years of experience dancing to live music in multiple types of venues, including restaurants and concert halls.

She relocated from Japan to the US in January 2023, and became a member of Troupe Oasis.

-Her history in training-

In 2007, Nisreen began studying under Mishaal.

From 2012 to 2018, Nisreen studied Middle Eastern culture, various dance styles, and music interpretation under Sadia Camille.


In 2017, she completed a 3-day Diva Dancer Professional Development Course given by Ma*shuqa in Los Gatos, California.

From 2017 to 2020, She learned Turkish Oriental dance and Turkish Roma dance with Ozma.

 In 2020, she began learning Egyptian Oriental dance in more depth with the legendary male dancer, Tarik Sultan.

In 2024, Nisreen started studying Turkish Oriental dance with the  Turkey-based dance teacher, Athena Najat.

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